• 300 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20006, USA

Services & Solutions


This involves finding reliable suppliers or buyers of petroleum products. Sourcing can

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Quality control

Petroleum products must meet specific quality standards, and quality control services .

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Importing and exporting petroleum products can require significant upfront capital,

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Once a supplier or buyer is identified, negotiation involves working out the terms of the deal, including the price, 

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The import and export of petroleum products requires a significant amount of

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Market analysis

Keeping up with market trends and dynamics is critical to success in the petroleum import and export business.

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The logistics of petroleum import and export can be complex, involving multiple modes of 

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Risk management

The petroleum import and export business involves significant risk, including price volatility, 

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Regulatory compliance

The import and export of petroleum products is subject to a wide range of regulations,

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Paraffin is a waxy substance that is derived from petroleum. It is commonly

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Ortoxylene and Paraxylene

Ortoxylene and Paraxylene are both aromatic hydrocarbons that are used

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Benzene is a colorless

 Benzene is a colorless, highly flammable liquid that is widely used as a feedstock

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Toluene is a colorless

 Toluene is a colorless, flammable liquid that is widely used as a solvent

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NKFU (NITROFOS) is a type of fertilizer that is commonly used in agriculture

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N-K (also known as Kerosene) is a refined petroleum product that is typically

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NK K 6x20x30+S

NK K 6x20x30+S is another type of fertilizer that contains a higher concentration

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NP K 15x15x15

NP K 15x15x15 is a type of fertilizer that contains a balanced ratio of nitrogen

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Ammonium sulphate

Ammonium sulphate is a white, crystalline substance that is used as a fertilizer

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 Caprolactam is a white, crystalline substance that is used in the production of nylon

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Industrial Methanol

Methanol is a colorless, flammable liquid that is used as a solvent

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Bitumen 60/70-80/100 MT

Bitumen is a sticky, black, semi-solid form of petroleum that is used in the construction

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